Welcome to Community Mental Health and Psychiatry
Community Mental Health and Psychiatry Foundation (CMHP) manages various Mental Health related long-term facilities and group homes in the greater Cape Town and Boland area, Western Cape Province, for individuals with a psychiatric diagnosis. Our focus is mainly based on Psychiatric Rehabilitation (PSR) principles and models.
Our services include housing facilities for more than 300 clients and daily support services to many. More than 110 employees assist with the day to day running of the facilities.
Our facilities range from small "New Generation Homes" within communities, to more structured and supportive facilities in the city and on a "farm", as well as a frail care centre.
Our multidisciplinary team at Community Mental Health & Psychiatry Foundation includes a social worker, occupational therapist, professional nurses and other support staff.
Our Community Mental Health Clinic is located on the old Stikland Hospital grounds, with various small or satellite clinics at other facilities.
Ou r Community Mental Health Academy trains caregivers in both a one year and two year course. Student intakes take place at the beginning of each academic year.
Our services include housing facilities for more than 300 clients and daily support services to many. More than 110 employees assist with the day to day running of the facilities.
Our facilities range from small "New Generation Homes" within communities, to more structured and supportive facilities in the city and on a "farm", as well as a frail care centre.
Our multidisciplinary team at Community Mental Health & Psychiatry Foundation includes a social worker, occupational therapist, professional nurses and other support staff.
Our Community Mental Health Clinic is located on the old Stikland Hospital grounds, with various small or satellite clinics at other facilities.
Ou r Community Mental Health Academy trains caregivers in both a one year and two year course. Student intakes take place at the beginning of each academic year.
Through our partnership with the Department of Health, Department of Social Development, as well as the "Help Your Neighbour Fund", CMHP may offer partial financial assistance to approved clients who cannot afford the full fees.
Feel free to contact us should you require more information on our services, training, employment and voluntary work. International visitors and enquiries are most welcome!
Feel free to contact us should you require more information on our services, training, employment and voluntary work. International visitors and enquiries are most welcome!